accommodation Rules
accommodation Rules
Washboard Hotel, Bělohorská 107, Prague 6, 169 00
(Hereinafter the "hotel" or "landlord")
ID: 27598152
Nr: 27598152 GB
registered office / place of business: Kladenská 96/115, Prague 6, 160 00
Terms of the contract of accommodation
Ubytování hostů v hotelu Valcha se uskutečňuje na základě smlouvy o ubytování uzavřené podle ustanovení § 2326 a následujících zák. č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, na jejímž základě hotel Avion dále jen „ubytovatel“) poskytuje ubytovanému přechodné ubytování na ujednanou dobu nebo na dobu vyplývající z účelu ubytování v zařízení k tomu určeném a ubytovaný (dále také jen „host“) se zavazuje zaplatit ubytovateli za ubytování a za služby s ním spojené ve lhůtě stanovené tímto ubytovacím řádem (dále také jen „smlouva“).
The accommodation contract is concluded in writing. To comply with the request form will suffice at least written confirmation or reservation by e-mail.
The rights and obligations of the parties expressly untreated accommodation contract are governed by the house rules and price list of accommodation services. If foreseen in the accommodation contract something other than the accommodation rules and / or the prices of accommodation, then the accommodation contract.
If the Resident fails to comply with the obligations arising from the accommodation contract and the attached House Rules and / or the price list of the accommodation or other breaches of good manners at (hereinafter referred to as "misconduct"), the landlord is entitled to the accommodation contract before the expiry of the agreed period to terminate, even without notice, if it was a guest on his misconduct on the part of the procedure to be notified under the provisions of the civil Code §2331.
Conclusion of contract, reservation
Resident is obliged to request accommodation at the accommodation or in writing. Reservations can be made by telephone and followed this with the accommodation confirmed in writing. Writing the reservation, respectively. telephone reservation confirmation in the previous sentence means the order made through booking form, email address accommodation info@hotelvalcha.czUnless otherwise agreed.
Jakmile ubytovatel obdrží od hosta objednávku v písemné formě nebo písemné potvrzení rezervace, vystaví hostovi zálohovou fakturu na zálohu znějící na výši 30% až 100% z předpokládané ceny ubytování, kterou zašle hostovi na adresu uvedenou hostem v objednávce dle bodu 2.1 tohoto článku. Ubytovaný je povinen zálohu uhradit ve lhůtě a dle podmínek uvedených v zálohové faktuře. Pokud není záloha ubytovatelem vyžadována, probíhá úhrada ceny ubytování v plné výši v okamžiku nástupu.
The conclusion of the accommodation contract is for cumulative fulfillment of two conditions, namely the delivery of a written order or written confirmation of booking the accommodation and when the landlord of the Resident receives the amount as advance for accommodation or the price of accommodation in cases where according to par. 2.2 of this Article shall not deposit required .
Cancellation, withdrawal before the beginning of the list, failing to draw accommodation
If the guest does not pay the deposit in accordance with Art. I para. 2.2 properly and / or timely, booking in vain due date of the advance invoice canceled.
The guest is entitled to withdraw from the accommodation contract before the date of arrival to accommodation, even without giving a reason. Host Landlord shall deliver written notice of withdrawal. The landlord in this case the guest is entitled to charge a cancellation fee, whose amount shall be calculated from the amount of deposit paid, the rate cancellation fee will be determined as follows:
Instant delivery of the withdrawal owners (in calendar days) |
The rate cancellation fee (in%) |
60 days or more prior arrival to accommodation |
0 % Of the deposit paid |
59-30 days or more prior arrival to accommodation |
30% of the deposit paid |
29 to 14 days or more prior arrival to accommodation |
50% of the deposit paid |
13-1 days / day prior arrival to accommodation |
100% of the deposit paid |
V případě, že se host nedostaví k čerpání ubytování do 24 hodin po sjednaném nástupu k ubytování, je ubytovatel oprávněn odstoupit od smlouvy o ubytování a současně je oprávněn účtovat hostovi storno poplatek ve výši 100 % z výše uhrazené zálohy. Toto neplatí v případě, že zákazník o pozdějším nástupu na pobyt ubytovatele s předstihem, ne však později než 1 den před plánovaným nástupem k ubytování, telefonicky nebo písemně upozorní. Na formu upozornění se přiměřeně užijí podmínky stanovené v čl. 2. odst. 2.1 tohoto ubytovacího řádu.
Check into hotel / guesthouse
Accommodated announce their arrival at the reception of the hotel / guesthouse authorized employee.
At the reception guest submit his identity card or passport, respectively. other proof of your identity (eg. a residence permit) under which authorized employee verifies the identity of the guest accommodation. Correctness of their personal data and length of stay signify guest signature book accommodation in accommodation.
Unless agreed otherwise, the accommodation of guests traveling takes place from 14:00 until 23:00.
Při nástupu k ubytování host uhradí částku představující doplatek ceny za ubytování, tj. sjednanou cenu za ubytování poníženou o uhrazenou zálohu dle čl. 2. odst. 2.2 ubytovacího řádu. Po zaplacení doplatku ceny za ubytování vystaví ubytovatel hostovi daňový doklad potvrzující zaplacení celého pobytu. Ustanovení poslední věty čl. 2. odst. 2.2 tím není dotčeno, v takovém případě vystaví ubytovatel hostovi daňový doklad potvrzující zaplacení celého pobytu.
The landlord is entitled when taking a guest to guest accommodation require the composition of the cash deposit of the total price for one night. The deposit is refunded upon departure, in full, respectively. EUR humble circumstances referred to in Art. 7 of these House Rules.
Authorized staff reception familiar with guest house rules, and to the day of arrival the guest accommodation.
The number of people in the room corresponding to the number of persons registered for accommodation. Resident undertakes to announce their exact number at login.
Doba ubytování je dohodnuta nejpozději při ubytování hosta a je zaznamenána v ubytovací knize. Doba ubytování může být prodloužena pouze se souhlasem ubytovatele a musí být podložena zápisem v ubytovací knize.
Ubytovaný tímto uděluje souhlas ubytovateli se zpracováním a uchováním svých osobních údajů, v rozsahu poskytnutých údajů, a to za účelem poskytnutí ubytování a evidence hostů ve smyslu zákona č. 565/1990 Sb., o místních poplatcích a zákona č. 326/1999 Sb., o pobytu cizinců na území České republiky a o změně některých zákonů. Bližší povinnosti hosta a ubytovatele ohledně vedení evidenční knihy resp. domovní knihy jsou stanoveny shora uvedenými právními předpisy.
General rules accommodation
The guest has the right to use the space reserved for his accommodation, as well as the common areas of the hotel / guest house and use the services associated with accommodation.
Při nástupu do ubytování obdrží host klíč, resp. magnetickou či čipovou kartu, od pokoje i vstupu do hotelu/penzionu (dále společně jen „klíče“). Host je povinen předejít ztrátě, zničení, poškození těchto klíčů, jakož i zpřístupnění klíčů třetím osobám, které nejsou přímým účastníkem příslušné smlouvy o ubytování, sjednané mezi hostem a ubytovatelem. Případné sankce za ztrátu, zničení, poškození jakož i zpřístupnění klíčů dle předchozí věty jsou upraveny v ubytovací smlouvě.
The guest is obliged to:
get acquainted with the house rules and abide by it;
pay the price for accommodation according to price list;
properly use the premises for accommodation, maintain order and cleanliness in all areas designed to accommodate;
ensure compliance with the cleanliness of the premises intended for accommodation;
protect equipment in locations designed to accommodate against damage;
immediately report damage or damage by the guest or those with him staying in the hotel / guesthouse cause (s);
in the period from 22.00. till 07:00 hrs. to behave in a way that does not disturb others by excessive noise;
when leaving the room, close the water taps in the room, turn off the lights, turn off electrical appliances, which in the absence of the guests do not use, and close the window;
when leaving the hotel / guest house to hand over the room key at reception
Host not without the consent of the accommodation:
make substantial changes in the areas intended for the accommodation (move furniture, move equipment, etc.).
take away any equipment from the premises intended for accommodation;
use in premises designed to accommodate custom appliances except for small appliances used for personal hygiene guest and office work;
leave spaces designed to accommodate another person;
receive visitors in the areas intended for the accommodation; visits must be properly entered in the books and visits are only possible from 08:00 until 20:00 consent of the Landlord; guests can receive visits only in public areas of the hotel / guest house;
indicate the address of the house with spaces designed to accommodate as his place of business;
place in the hotel / guest house pets. And the owner is obliged to call staff accommodation prove harmless condition of an animal presenting a valid certificate of vaccination.
Host also in areas intended for the accommodation must not:
bear arms, ammunition and explosives or otherwise preserved in a condition allowing their immediate use;
hold, produce or narcotic or psychotropic substances or poisons, unless the drugs whose use was the guest prescribed by your doctor;
smoke; It does not apply in the case of areas designated for smoking and visibly marked with the appropriate symbol;
open fire
Landlord Liability for Tenant Affairs
Pokud host požádá, převezme od něj ubytovatel do úschovy peněžní prostředky, klenoty nebo jiné cennosti. Hotel má právo vzetí věcí do úschovy odmítnout, pokud jde o věci nebezpečné nebo hodnotou a rozsahem pro ubytovací zařízení neúměrné. Ubytovatel požaduje, aby mu věci do úschovy byly předány v uzavřené nebo zapečetěné schránce.
The request for compensation for damage caused to property can be accommodated immediately notify only. Skoda is not paid, the damage caused if things myself a guest or a person accompanying him or the matter will be referred to the Police.
If a guest leaves their stuff in the room after the stay and accommodation is not paid, the landlord moves things from the guest rooms and store them in a safe place to avoid damaging them. After payment of the debt within 10 days from the end of the stay at the hotel gives the landlord stored stuff guest.
Security, liability for damage caused Guest
The guest is obliged to get acquainted with the safety rules and evacuation plan in case of fire. The plan found in each hotel room is also available for inspection at the relevant employee at the front desk.
The guest at his action starts so as not to unjustified harm to freedom, life, health or property of another.
Cause if host their actions on the Landlord's property damage, the damage resulting from the advance payment paid pursuant to Art. 4 § 4.5. House Rules. If the damage suffered is higher than the deposit, the guest is obliged to pay the difference Landlord.
Departure from the hotel
Resident is obliged to leave the room, which is housed in 12:00.
Guest room locks, leaving the keys at the reception of the hotel / guest house, unless agreed otherwise.
Information on the use of personal data
Washboard Hotel, Bělohorská 107, Praha 6 handles personal data in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data
In order to provide accommodation are processed such personal data / categories of personal data: name, surname, address, identity card number, date of birth, based on available resources from the guest.
Personal data will be processed Hotel Washboard landlord manual and automated directly through its employees authorized to and through authorized Landlord processors based on contracts for the processing of personal data.
The list of subjects / categories of recipients to whom the personal data can be made available to the guest, please
Personal data will be kept by the landlord, who is obliged to keep a registration book for a period of 6 years from the last entry.
The guest has the right to access their personal data processed by Hotel Washboard, rectification or erasure or restriction of processing, and the right to object to the processing.
Host má dále právo získat od ubytovatele osobní údaje, které se hosta týkají, a jež subjekt ubytovateli poskytl. Ubytovatel na základě žádosti hosta poskytne subjektu údaje bez zbytečného odkladu ve strukturovaném, běžně používaném a strojově čitelném formátu nebo je na žádost hosta poskytne jinému jednoznačně určenému správci. Toto právo se nevztahuje na osobní údaje, které nejsou zpracovávány automatizovaně.
Should a guest that there is unauthorized processing of personal data, it may lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, which is the territory of the Czech Office for Personal Data Protection (
Contact Information landlord
Washboard Hotel, Bělohorská 107, 169 00 Prague 6, tel: 222 212 100
The House rules came into force and effect on 1 November 2018.
Hotel Valcha
Bělohorská 107, Prague 6, 169 00
Name: Aleš Malina
Function: Managing Director